Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Journal Entry #2 10/20/09

There was a slight issue with my first journal....

I lost my password. Very Embarrassing...

dannysapacheadventure@blogspot.com is the link to my former entries(All one of them).

In other news.

The start to the adventure has been a success!!!!

I've downloaded apache successfully, as well as some other devices, which I plan to add on later.

When I began, I discovered a few flaws. Namely, apache has the uncanny want to put files all over my computer, as opposed to one convenient location. I quickly found a solution to that in rapache, which is a piece of software that allows for quick consolidation and editing of all apache programs. After doing some work with it, I opened up my web page.... And....


Well, other then that its been a slow week. I hope to have a web page up by my next journal entry, and my eventual goal is that in a month, I'll be able to host this blog on my new website.

I've got big plans for how the site will look, how to get my domain, and overall how to make this all great!!!! I won't reveal too much right now... but I'm very excited(and you should be too) for the eventual awesomeness of what is about to happen!!!